All about Different Forms of Cosmetic Surgery

 Cosmetic Surgery is a unique discipline of medicine that focuses on enhancing the appearance of the patient through surgical and medicinal techniques. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all the areas of the body like the head, neck, etc. The area which is treated through cosmetic surgery functions properly but it may lack any aesthetic appeal, that’s why cosmetic surgery is elective. 

Cosmetic Surgery is generally preferred to improve a person’s appearance, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Cosmetic Surgery is generally performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon and it can be performed on any part of the face like the nose termed as Rhinoplasty (Rinoplastika), or in any part of the body. 

Some Common types of Cosmetic Surgery Done-

On the Body-

• Abdomen reduction (tummy tuck)

• Arm lift

• Liposuction

• Breast augmentation

• Breast lift

• Breast reduction surgery

• Buttock lift (belt lipectomy)

• Circumferential body lift

• Inner thigh lift

• Laser hair removal

For the Face-

• Botox

• Cheek lift

• Chemical peel

• Chin surgery

• Cosmetic dentistry

•  Dermabrasion

• Eyebrow/forehead rejuvenation (brow lift)

• Blepharoplasty (Blefaroplastika) 

• Face-lift

• Facial contouring

• Facial fillers

• Facial wrinkles

• Laser hair removal

• Laser resurfacing

• Neck lift

• Otoplasty (Otoplastika) 

• Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)

• Skin problems 

• Wrinkle treatment

Why is Cosmetic Surgery Being Done?

Cosmetic Surgery has become popular nowadays because of its various benefits. They are generally carried out because they usually bring lasting and dramatic changes to the outside appearance of the patients. It’s very much important to understand how the changes due to cosmetic surgery might affect you from the inside. 

So, before motivating yourself for making an appointment to see a surgeon, try to consider your motives for wanting to change how you look. Through cosmetic surgery like  Blepharoplasty (Blefaroplastika), many physical characteristics can be changed in that others cannot. 

For cosmetic surgery, good candidates must have the following criteria-

Must have his chronic medical condition under his control

He/she should have realistic expectations about the things that can be accomplished

The patient should have a stable weight for 6 to 12 months for certain procedures

They must understand the medicinal risk and all the physical effects during the healing process. They must realize how this cosmetic surgery is going to affect their life personally and professionally. What lifestyle changes they must accompany during the recovery period and the expenses involved during this procedure?

The patient should not have any history of smoking or commit to abstain from smoking or taking any nicotine-based products including chewing tobacco, and nicotine patches. All other types of nicotine products like gums and lozenges must be avoided at least 4 or 6 weeks before & after surgery.  

Risks associated with Otoplasty (Otoplastika) & other Surgery

All surgeries including cosmetic surgery carry risk. If the patient has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 30 or higher obesity, then you might be at a higher level of risk of developing the complications. Smoking also increases the risk and also interferes with healing. You need to consult with an experienced cosmetic surgeon to discuss these risks and other related to your health history. 


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